Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Live By The Life" Moving To Wordpress

Hey there Lifers...can I call you that? Just want to let you all know that I am beginning the transition to a self-hosted Wordpress platform. After 8 months of stumbling my way through the labyrinth of the Blogosphere, I feel it is time to move to the next level.  As much as I enjoy writing this blog, I think there are multiple pros and almost no cons to making the move to WordPress.  My reasons below:

1.  Many more options for creativity.  Throughout the year I have gotten more and more ideas that don't fit well into the blog format.  I have pages and pages of "stuff" that I really can't use. My goal is to add more pages to find places for that "stuff".  Look for pages like "The Wall of Wow",  "Faith Links", and maybe even my own De-motivational Posters.  Heck, I may even do a page on serious theological topics.  The sky's the limit and I'm excited.

2. Aesthetically, WordPress offers better themes and a more attractive platform, which makes for a more positive user experience. While I've enjoyed being a Blogspot blogger, I want people to be wowed by my site.  While that may take some work, I have a better chance of getting the "Wow"affect with WordPress.

3. Better SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  My site has a much better chance of getting seen by like-minded believers with WP, than Blogspot. Not to mention my domain name is now Take a look see if you want to follow the construction process.

4. Ease of use.  Initially, this is not true as I have to re-learn a new host.  But, eventually, it will be easier and a more positive experience for me.  So, I get to keep my hair, now?

I will make an announcement when I pull the switch, not sure when.  It could be 2 days or 2 weeks.  I'm new at this, so please be patient. If everything goes as planned, all my content, RSS and Feedburner feeds will be transferred from Blogspot to WP, so you, my loyal readers, won't have to do anything different.  Best i can tell, I must leave my Blogspot blog intact  for some features to work in WP, so if you go to  and no new blogs are showing up, try

~ Keith