Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Friday, February 11, 2011

How I learned joy from McDonalds

A few days ago, Rachel, a girl I work with made the statement, "...I was so so hungry and I ate at McDonalds and it was the best day ever!" Now, excusing my co-worker because she tends to make sweeping exclamatory declarations over silly things, but never....ever...will the words "McDonalds" and "best day ever" come out of my mouth at the same time (my apologies to you Mickey-D lovers out there...all three of you).  Maybe Ruths Chris, Bonefish Grill, even Five Guys....but not the burger made famous by a clown (or is it the other way around). Anyway, you get my point.

So, I'm thinking about this as I'm having a bad day at work, generally NOT having the best day ever, in fact, in my own perspective-less world, it is bordering on the WORST day ever.  Why do I say perspective-less? Mostly because in my own little world being humiliated by my boss in front of my colleagues is enough to classify a day as "Worst", but in many parts of the world, being shot at, losing a loved one, not eating, battling genocide or hunger or racism or general hate is what classifies a person's day (or week or month) as "Worst ever". So I get it. My troubles are fleeting. It reminds me of the verse,

 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us 
an eternal glory that far outweighs them all". (2 Cor. 4:17)

Earlier in the passage we are challenged to not "lose heart", (I just looked up this verse and I have the word "PERSPECTIVE" written down beside it...interesting.) But even with this knowledge that the worst of my problems is really the equivalent to a hang nail to many around the world why do I still walk around WITHOUT JOY!!. Doesn't it list the gifts of the Spirit as love, JOY, peace?

 (By the way have you ever heard of love, joy, peace and a package of figs??...if you never heard of it and can't figure it out, respond, and I'll tell you).  

So my great big question to myself (feel free to ask yourself if it applies) is "Why after 20 years (feel free to change the number) of walking with God, is my joy still so intertwined with my circumstances...with my day being a good day!?"  I mean, I know in my head that my joy comes from the Lord...I sing it at the top of my lungs in the car on the way to work (you know you do to, quit denying it), I act joyful in church most of the time, I have a pretty good life, even a great life compared to many, my kids are healthy, my marriage is sound, my team won the Superbowl...I have food to circumstances are pretty good. So why is that deep joy...that peace that passes understanding so evasive sometimes.  I pray that I and all who read this who resonate with this quandary will begin to see our circumstances have no effect on our joy. May our day, good or bad begin to have little to no effect on the our joy.  May we truly "Rejoice in the Lord, Always" even on the worst day ever.  Amen.

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