Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Spiritual Growth Wall

My boys all have their birthdays this time of year, which ultimately leads to (after insane gift requests and Mom always creating some really cool cake) the "growth" wall. You know, the wall that they stand by and you mark how much they've grown since last year.  With three boys our wall is pretty marked up, but it always results in excitement because it's pretty fun to get a "visual" of something that is not observable by the human eye.

So as I was NOT reading my book on the plane because I left it in the back seat of my SUV because for some strange reason catching my plane became a greater priority than remembering my book (that's the run-on sentence to end all run sentences-lol).  As I was saying, while on the plane whilst gazing into the sky flying by at 500 mph I was cool would it be if we had a spiritual gauge that we could look at and see how we're coming along spiritually just like the  wall.  ( I can hear Stacy right now - "There is one Keith, it's called NOT cussing when you smash your finger with a hammer"...not that I do that.)

I mean, each year after we're saved we could go this "wall" or wherever and see how are we doing spiritually.  Are we growing?  Alot? A little? The only downside is the possibility of seeing the mark get lower from the last time.  Wow, that would be depressing.  I'm also thinking we would be surprised because spiritual growth seems to happen most during the hard times, those times when we are suffering through trials.   That's when we feel the worst and probably the least spiritual, but it seems that it's in those valleys that we find out how strong our faith really is and how tightly we can cling to the Father.  It would be nice during those times to see the wall and be encouraged.  Maybe someone will invent one someday.  There's money to be made here, I just know it.  

Anybody wish you had a wall like that?

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