I'm 42 and have been a believer in Jesus since I was 20. To put it bluntly, I'm tired of living "warmly", that's to say, in mediocrity. Many who know me would counter this (I think) with their version of the Christian me, but I know differently. I've never been one to make New Years resolutions, they seem so contrived, and when i did I never kept it. Today; however, I was reading Jonathan Edwards "70 Resolutions" (not New Years)...things he resolved to do to shape his life into the kind that would honor God, draw other men to Christ, and to ultimately have the life we all want, one with no regrets. Number 7 grabbed me
"Never to do any thing, which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life."
...so today, in light of this fresh inspiration, I am resolving to begin living for Christ, HOT and not warm. Beginning this blog is my first step in hopes there are others out there for whom this philosophy will resonate. No more compromise. Happy New Year!