One day a man was talking to God. He said, "Lord, is it true that with you, a thousand years is like a second?", God replied, "Yes, that is true". So the man, thinking for a while, asks God, "So if that is true, then is it also true that with you a penny is like a million dollars?" God replied, "Yes, that's logical". So the man replies, "Then, Lord, may I have a penny?". "Yes", God said, "In a second."
Please don't scrutinize this joke on it's scriptural accuracy, but it does illustrate an area God convicts me of (too many times it seems). I was convicted the other day about my love for the word "then". As in if I do X, then I will get Y. When I do something I expect a result...NOW. Not in a few minutes, not even a few seconds. (Remember waiting for a page to load using AOL with your phone line plugged into you modem!).
I think it's a common weakness of man and very common in our postmodern, gotta have it now society. I mean, growing up as a child of the sock tie, big hair 80's was bad enough. In the 80's we got VCR's so now we could watch movies whenever we wanted, we got microwave ovens so now we didn't have to wait so long for our Orville Reddenbacher popcorn, we got cable TV, so entertainment was always at our fingertips. No more snowed out TV screens after the 700 Club was over (remember that?).
Fast forward to now. Our internet is lightning fast, movies on our computer, we hit a link and BAM!...there it is. We don't even have to wait to get home to check our email or go to a store to shop. We can live our life from our smart phone. That's if your willing to pay $200 for the latest and greatest, $60 for a text and data plan, etc. If you're willing to pay, you don't have to wait for practically anything anymore. Thank the Lord the sun still rises and sets at the same pace since Creation. We still have to wait for time.
For me this "weakness" also crosses over into my life with Christ. One of my favorite verses has always been Romans 12:1,2. "...offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is..."
id you see that? There's that word "THEN" again. I think if I do the first part of the verse, THEN I will know God's will. It does say that, and I do believe it. But instead of thanking God for His promise, I find myself having lofty expectations, or using it to bargain with God (HA...if that was even possible) or blaming him when I don't see the results that I expected or not fast enough. Again, I don't think I'm alone in this, but I sometimes wonder if this is a problem that has become more pronounced in this day and age. It behooves us to learn to wait on Him. Remember 2 Peter 3: 8,9.
"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you..."
One of my favorite activities is camping (with three boys it's a lot of fun) and I'm grateful that there are still places to go where you can't bring a computer, cell phone, or TV (unless you camp in an RV, which I don't) and can S-L-O-W D-O-W-N. As for me I have seen God mature me in this area over the last 20 or so years, but waiting for God sometimes can be excruciatingly hard. I trust that He loves me, that He indeed has a plan for my life, that He is aware of my circumstances and cares deeply. Sometimes that knowledge of His faithfulness is all I have. It's all I need.
So does anybody else struggle with impatience with God? I'd love to hear about it?