It's been a month since I wrote, sorry about that. In an effort to try to be more consistent I am going to try to keep my thoughts shorter. With that said, in a nod to the most influential person in my life who I've never met, I'd like to parrot a thought from Oswald Chambers. For at least two (maybe three) years I spent my devotional time (almost slavishly) meditating on his daily thoughts about all things spiritual in his book "My Utmost for His Highest". I credit Chamber's amazing insights with helping a me desire a deeper life with Christ when I was in college. I've found over the last 20+ years that this desire is not a given...I must continue to fan it or risk a hardened heart. So this is me fanning.
Christ used his death on the cross to symbolize communion. His body is the broken bread, His blood is the poured out wine. We understand that, as believers, it is what defines "half" of our faith (the other "half" being the resurrection). What Chambers emphasized is that we should offer our lives to be so available to God for His purposes and glory that our lives (I believe the Greek word is "Zoe") are also broken bread and poured out wine. Then, and only then, will the power of the resurrection be so part of us that whether we are a prophet, a pastor, a shoemaker, or a janitor...will we be identified not as mere churchgoers, but as disciples of the living Christ. And many lives changed eternally. God glorified. It is, after all, why we're here isn't it?