I was reminded of an old teaching as I was receiving prayer in church yesterday. The elder praying for me alluded in his prayer of my failure to properly recognize my place in an epic war (and the fact that I'm on the winning side). To put it bluntly, I had allowed my "sword to drag". I wasn't fighting. I had fallen asleep in the foxhole. I was immediately reminded that this teaching wasn't novel to me, but his notion that I am a warrior and should act like one, was thrust upon me a long time ago.
Most of the biblical teaching that has stuck with me through the years came from a few gifted men during the decade in my 20's when I was spiritually immature and malleable (not that I'm not now, I'm still very immature...to the delight of my boys and the chagrin of my wife).
A particularly important slice of that "era" was the "men's meetings" that my old, beloved pastor, Harold Burchett held for any man who was willing to come. Every Saturday for a few years (I think they were still going on when I moved to Richmond) about 50 men gathered together at 7:00 am for about an hour and sat in awe at the wisdom that came forth. I believe that even then most of us knew that years later we would all look back longingly at this man of God who had such a deep love for God and desire to see men transformed from mere boys....and transformed we were. We would have gone to battle for Harold, because we desperately craved to rise above the mediocre expectations that the world, even the church, had for its men. Harold was giving us back our birthright. He was showing us for one hour a week what God required of us to be men of valor, men who, while in this world, were not of this world. We arrived as weaklings, we left as warriors. I still am touched by what an effect Harold had on my life as a Christian man. He taught me how to live, how to fight, how to be a man of God.
Now, I don't know where Harold is today, but I imagine there are still a few men who are still learning from his life of faith and love for Christ. May all of us who ever became men through him, do the same to the young men around us, and so on and so forth (2 Tim.2:2)
Blue Ridge Mountains
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ode to An Old Warrior
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Terminator and Scripture
Just recently, I started getting my 8 year old twin boys up at 6:45 to introduce them to the concept of meeting with God in the morning. (like David (Psalm 5:3) and Jesus (Mark 1:35).....) Well, since they are 1) boys and have the attention span of a Jack Russell hopped up on espresso (yes, I know dogs don't drink coffee...but, work with me people!) and 2) they are 8 years old...and have the attention span...OK, you get it. Anyway, I have limited their time to 15 minutes. I have them read a couple of verses that I choose then we turn out the lights and I have them be quiet for a minute or two and ask God to teach them something about what they just read.
Well, so far it has been fairly uneventful, although I think they are relishing this new benefit of "becoming all growed up" like Dad. It truly has been fun so far, seeing their tired enthusiasm. They are troopers. Not a single complaint yet about waking up early.
Well that all changed this morning...not the complaining part, the uneventful part. I forgot to find a verse for them to read, so I had them read a favorite Psalm of mine...Psalm 63. I mean I figured it was safe. It really is a beautiful picture of God's love and our need of His love. Of course, as we Christians are wont to do, we remember the glorious parts, but conveniently forget about the parts that make us squirm....so of course I forgot about those two pesky verses near the end about God destroying Davids enemies...you see where this is going.
So, the boys are done and I ask them to share what God taught them from this Psalm. Of course, I expected to hear something about God's love, or our soul clinging to Him, or some high epiphany in the realm of them being moved by this Psalm so much that they want to go to the Middle East or Africa to share Christ with the huddled masses. But what came falling out of their 8 year old mouths was, more like a scene out of Terminator (I can even hear Ahnuld's voice)...and I quote: Coleman: "God will throw his enemies into the depths of the earth", and Caleb (giggling) "Jackals will eat God's enemies eyeballs". Sighhhhh!
I wonder if the 12 year old Jesus was in the Temple reminding the priests and lawyers about those pesky verses.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Calvinism and Dating
As I was Facebooking an old friend, it occurred to me that this would be good fodder for my blog...the subject is Calvinism and dating....for a young Christian man who was not aware that Calvin was to Reformed Presbyterians what Mary is to Catholics (just kidding...Catholics aren't that serious about Mary) this was the making of a very weird weekend. This is essentially what I wrote to my friend:
"I remember dating this girl (well...datING is a stretch...we went on a date, actually more like half a date) but before I could go on this "date" I had to have dinner with her pastor who thusly inquired as to my thoughts on Calvinism. When my reply was to applaud his antics with his make-believe tiger, but was unsure of the -ism part, he shoved a few books in my hand and told me I had no chance with this girl as she was thoroughly reformed. Of course, I assumed that meant she was no longer a criminal or on drugs. Anyway he was right and that pretty much ended any chance of me becoming a good Presbyterian...what the 5 pillars and all...or is that Islam? I forget."
The funny thing is that she went on to marry a Reformed pastor who she happened to fall in love with in the middle of my half-date. (He was not a pastor at the time). He was my friend who I was staying with whilst courting his wife-to-be. Matchmaker, matchmaker...make me a match...anyhoo, the moral of the story is...well there is no moral, but it does prove what lengths God is willing to go to prove that religion and dating don't mix (just kidding about that too).
(Disclaimer: I really do NOT dislike Reformed Presbyterianism, i.e., Calvinism, and it's adherents. Any jokes at your expense were completely intentional, my apologies if you were offended. But worry not, I will eventually get to the Baptists, Methodists, and of course, those crazy Pentecostals.)
"I remember dating this girl (well...datING is a stretch...we went on a date, actually more like half a date) but before I could go on this "date" I had to have dinner with her pastor who thusly inquired as to my thoughts on Calvinism. When my reply was to applaud his antics with his make-believe tiger, but was unsure of the -ism part, he shoved a few books in my hand and told me I had no chance with this girl as she was thoroughly reformed. Of course, I assumed that meant she was no longer a criminal or on drugs. Anyway he was right and that pretty much ended any chance of me becoming a good Presbyterian...what the 5 pillars and all...or is that Islam? I forget."
The funny thing is that she went on to marry a Reformed pastor who she happened to fall in love with in the middle of my half-date. (He was not a pastor at the time). He was my friend who I was staying with whilst courting his wife-to-be. Matchmaker, matchmaker...make me a match...anyhoo, the moral of the story is...well there is no moral, but it does prove what lengths God is willing to go to prove that religion and dating don't mix (just kidding about that too).
(Disclaimer: I really do NOT dislike Reformed Presbyterianism, i.e., Calvinism, and it's adherents. Any jokes at your expense were completely intentional, my apologies if you were offended. But worry not, I will eventually get to the Baptists, Methodists, and of course, those crazy Pentecostals.)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Survival Mode of the Spiritual Sort
For my huge band of followers (read: my brother) and those few who check out my blog, I have NOT fallen off the writing wagon. In the busy-ness of my week, I had not realized that so much time had passed since I wrote. Actually, that "busy-ness" is what is on my heart. When I say "I was busy", I'm merely being polite. You know...when people ask how I'm doing, they don't want to know how I'm REALLY doing. So, even if I have just duct-taped my head back on my neck, I will still be polite and say I'm doing fine or, as is the case here, I'm busy and that's why I seem detached or grumpy or unfocused....or haven't written in 6 days.
Truth be told, this week I got worn out...even bordering on burnt out. It affected my mood, my sleep, even physically (my back and neck have been in knots). I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses, but I had gotten into spiritual survival mode. I felt like this week I was fighting for my "spiritual" life, so I hunkered down and focused on keeping the main thing the main thing (see January 2). So far so good.
This morning I was reminded of a Bible passage I had forgotten. Matthew 11: 28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Yeah...pretty much what I needed. If anyone else out there is going through a valley, savor on this a while (Psalm 62 is another good one). I'll try not to wait 6 days for my next post. Also working on another Top Ten List..."Worst Times to say "I'm Licking My Chops".
Truth be told, this week I got worn out...even bordering on burnt out. It affected my mood, my sleep, even physically (my back and neck have been in knots). I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses, but I had gotten into spiritual survival mode. I felt like this week I was fighting for my "spiritual" life, so I hunkered down and focused on keeping the main thing the main thing (see January 2). So far so good.
This morning I was reminded of a Bible passage I had forgotten. Matthew 11: 28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Yeah...pretty much what I needed. If anyone else out there is going through a valley, savor on this a while (Psalm 62 is another good one). I'll try not to wait 6 days for my next post. Also working on another Top Ten List..."Worst Times to say "I'm Licking My Chops".
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Wee Passion of the Faithless (and other Limericks)
While driving to work yesterday I passed a car with this license plate: FATH LST.
Now my first instinct was to think that this poor wretch had lost their faith, but I hadn't yet considered other alternatives for the 70 mph word puzzle. So I tried a few out in my head:
Alternative 1) Fat H-List...I had no idea what that could possibly mean
Alternative 2) Faith List...a list of faiths...strange, but possible
Alternative 3) Farth Lahoost..which of course we all know is the name of the iconic Irish touring dance troupe to celebrate the Northern Irish Wee Knickerbocker Brigade....OK, that's a lie....because when I passed him...he clearly was not wee.
OK, so now I'm faced with what is clearly this person's attempt to push their religion, lost or otherwise, on me. Then it occurred to me that I am passionate about a few things that I would think keen to have on my license plate in order to let the world know about me as I fly by them on the highway. But it takes real commitment to actually get it on my plate, not to mention money which I am loathe to part with. So, this person who lost their faith was so passionate about losing it that they went down to the DMV, stood in line for at least 36 hours (they actually rent cots now I think), tried out a few vanity plates that had already been taken, paid the money, then waited by the mailbox to get it, and then put it on their car. (It literally takes an act of Congress for me just to put my Registration Tag on mine every year). That is real, genuine passion and commitment about NOT having their faith. This person is so angry at God, they want the world to know how angry and was commited enough to go through not a few obstacles to make it happen.
What if I was so joyful for God's love for me that I was willing to have the same commitment to tell the world. The Lord convicted me of this using a person who lost their faith...sometimes God is weird. Does anyone else feel that way sometimes?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Top Ten List - Why It's Better to Have Boys
It's Saturday so in an effort to not get caught in the "so heavenly-minded that I'm no earthly good" trap I thought I'd do a top 10 list. OK, they're not novel anymore, but I I admit it... I'm a true American in that I love top 10 lists. I mean what's not to like, especially when they're funny. Having 3 boys is funny and a lot of fun so I will start with them....and now I tip my hat to David Letterman with my own - may it not stink.
Top 10 Reasons Why It's Better To Have Boys
10) Never have to worry about food going bad
9) Plenty of hands on practice with first aid and have the Heimlich maneuver nailed by the time they're three (3 year old boys and under think they can eat a banana in one bite...I swear it's true)
8) The phrase "Fail to Aim, Aim to Fail" has a whole new meaning in your house
7) No drama
6) Cooler toys
5) Girls don't swing full stride without hands "just to see what would happen"
4) When the house stinks it's NEVER a mystery what the smell could be
3) ...farts are ALWAYS funny...ALWAYS. (related to #4)
2) Get a Christmas Card from the local Patient First
1) Playing war is ALWAYS better than playing house
Bonus: When there's a spider or bug in the house there is a race to Dad's shoe to "get the kill"
Friday, January 7, 2011
No snow!!!
We were supposed to get a little snow today, but we didn't. Makes me feel like Calvin...except for the atheist part. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Garbage In, Garbage Out
When I was in college, a fraternity brother of mine had the nickname GIGO...Garbage In, Garbage Out. He earned it by eating nothing but junk food and being the king of trash talk. His name fit him well. One thing the Holy Spirit has convicted me of this week is well described by this same phrase. For most of my Christian life (I have been a believer in Christ since I was 20, so over half my life!) when it came to my taste in music or TV or movies I would ask the question, "Is it sinful to listen to or watch this?" and make my choice thusly. Not surprisingly I usually listened or watched. I was feeding my mind garbage and that was precisely what was being produced in my life.
What never occurred to me is that these choices would shape my attitudes, behavior, thoughts, and language according to the lowest bar possible throwing a wide net that affects my family, friends, and my future. I wanted to know how much could I get away with and still not be "in sin". My goal, unbeknown to me at the time, was not to live my life in a way that glorified God, but in a way to not NOT glorify Him. (Make sense?) It was a recipe for mediocrity and a powerless Christian life. You reap what you sow.
Then I was reminded of a verse I thought I knew. The verse in Hebrews 12 says to "throw off everything that hinders AND the sin that so easily entangles and run...the race marked out for us." There are TWO things that were keeping me from "running" well. Sin surely, but also hindrances. Things that aren't necessarily sin, just not God's best for me to run my race effectively. Amazing!! So I've been running with my eyes on my back to keep the sin off when I never looked ahead to realize I've been in the lane with all the potholes. It is by no accident that the next verse says, "Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus".
What never occurred to me is that these choices would shape my attitudes, behavior, thoughts, and language according to the lowest bar possible throwing a wide net that affects my family, friends, and my future. I wanted to know how much could I get away with and still not be "in sin". My goal, unbeknown to me at the time, was not to live my life in a way that glorified God, but in a way to not NOT glorify Him. (Make sense?) It was a recipe for mediocrity and a powerless Christian life. You reap what you sow.
Then I was reminded of a verse I thought I knew. The verse in Hebrews 12 says to "throw off everything that hinders AND the sin that so easily entangles and run...the race marked out for us." There are TWO things that were keeping me from "running" well. Sin surely, but also hindrances. Things that aren't necessarily sin, just not God's best for me to run my race effectively. Amazing!! So I've been running with my eyes on my back to keep the sin off when I never looked ahead to realize I've been in the lane with all the potholes. It is by no accident that the next verse says, "Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus".
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Forever fruit
Most of us have a few Scripture verses we run to when times get tough. If you don't I highly encourage it - it beats the alternatives. I have many, but I was reminded of one one in particular which is in keeping with the whole revival theme, that is to say, me beginning to actually live out my faith in Jesus as if I really believed it.
"The fruit of righteousness will be peace,
the effect of righteousness will be
quietness and confidence forever" Isaiah 32:17
Now, I don't know about you, but peace, quietness, and confidence are things that, throughout my life, I have had precious little of. Every time I meditate on this verse I am greatly encouraged that these "fruits" not only are ones I need of in my life, they are very accessible to me by merely "being myself"...myself in Christ, that is. Because He is my righteousness. (Jer. 33:16).
Monday, January 3, 2011
Power of the resurrection
In the spirit of keeping things light I give you "Stupendous Man". Actually, I was reading Phillipians 3:10,11 yesterday.
"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection
and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings,
becoming like Him in His death, and so somehow,
to attain to the resurrection from the dead."
The word "power" stirred something in me that I hadn't felt in a while. A.W. Tozer wrote, "Lord, we desire to desire You"...not that he desired God, but desired "to desire" Him. It was the humility to admit that in his broken state he had gotten to a place where he no longer desired God, but recognized God's desirable-ness. I think our Father will never deny such a honest and vulnerable request.
I have lived the Christian life in my own strength, "powerless" for so long that I hadn't even realized it or desired otherwise. So now I ask, "Lord, I want to want to know the power of your resurrection, and fellowship of sharing in your sufferings..."
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Making the Main Thing the Main Thing (again)
A few years ago a missionary family I knew was back in the states on furlough from Pakistan. As part of his time off the field, he (Rob) stated he wanted to get back to the basics of his faith. His exact words were "Make the main thing the main thing". What he meant was that in Pakistan he had gotten so busy with ministry for Jesus, telling people about Jesus, trying to be like Jesus, etc. that he forgot about - his own relationship with Jesus - the main thing. The way he did this was threefold:
1) Get quiet before God - Get up early (yes, while it's still dark) and meditate on Scriptures that talk of God's attributes (Psalms are a good start)...then be quiet and let God speak. This is a good way to remind yourself of who He is and allow Him to work on your heart.
2) Obedience - When we go a long period of time outside of that intimate fellowship with Christ, which is cultivated by #1, the line between right and wrong becomes fuzzier and fuzzier...in short, we begin to compromise, fall into bad habits, and eventually find ourself on the slippery slope into outright intentional, sinful patterns. Fortunately, God is full of grace, and when we confess our sin He forgives us by the shed blood of Christ on the cross. See 1 John 1:8,9. Now we are purified. We are free...yield these areas to God. Ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit (you cannot resist in your own power-see Luke 10:19). Recommit yourself to obedience, not for obedience sake to earn his love. He loves us regardless and our obedience is filthy rags. Do it BECAUSE He loves us.
3) Re-focus on the Word. The Bible is God-breathed, it is the power of God. Memorize it, study it, listen to it in your car, write key verses and keep them with you (3 X 5 index cards work great). Pray the Word - claim His promises, thank Him for His accomplishments, begin to live with the authority that is rightfully yours as a child of God.
Now, I realize there are many more things that are useful in getting back to basics, but this is what is working for me... if you have any good ideas please send them. I would love to dialogue with like-minded people. As for me I am focusing on these things.
1) Get quiet before God - Get up early (yes, while it's still dark) and meditate on Scriptures that talk of God's attributes (Psalms are a good start)...then be quiet and let God speak. This is a good way to remind yourself of who He is and allow Him to work on your heart.
2) Obedience - When we go a long period of time outside of that intimate fellowship with Christ, which is cultivated by #1, the line between right and wrong becomes fuzzier and fuzzier...in short, we begin to compromise, fall into bad habits, and eventually find ourself on the slippery slope into outright intentional, sinful patterns. Fortunately, God is full of grace, and when we confess our sin He forgives us by the shed blood of Christ on the cross. See 1 John 1:8,9. Now we are purified. We are free...yield these areas to God. Ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit (you cannot resist in your own power-see Luke 10:19). Recommit yourself to obedience, not for obedience sake to earn his love. He loves us regardless and our obedience is filthy rags. Do it BECAUSE He loves us.
3) Re-focus on the Word. The Bible is God-breathed, it is the power of God. Memorize it, study it, listen to it in your car, write key verses and keep them with you (3 X 5 index cards work great). Pray the Word - claim His promises, thank Him for His accomplishments, begin to live with the authority that is rightfully yours as a child of God.
Now, I realize there are many more things that are useful in getting back to basics, but this is what is working for me... if you have any good ideas please send them. I would love to dialogue with like-minded people. As for me I am focusing on these things.
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