Top 10 Reasons Why It's Better To Have Boys
10) Never have to worry about food going bad
9) Plenty of hands on practice with first aid and have the Heimlich maneuver nailed by the time they're three (3 year old boys and under think they can eat a banana in one bite...I swear it's true)
8) The phrase "Fail to Aim, Aim to Fail" has a whole new meaning in your house
7) No drama
6) Cooler toys
5) Girls don't swing full stride without hands "just to see what would happen"
4) When the house stinks it's NEVER a mystery what the smell could be
3) ...farts are ALWAYS funny...ALWAYS. (related to #4)
2) Get a Christmas Card from the local Patient First
1) Playing war is ALWAYS better than playing house
Bonus: When there's a spider or bug in the house there is a race to Dad's shoe to "get the kill"
Love it! funny stuff bro'!