A few months ago, I was driving home from my mandatory 8-hour gauntlet of pain and suffering, that I am very thankful for because it makes me appreciate the remaining 16 hours so much more, when a car raced up behind me faster than a jack-rabbit on espresso. I was in the left lane, but was keeping up with traffic, so in my now-a-bit-angered-but-controlled mind, I felt the aggression was unwarranted. So what did I do? The rest of the story in a few minutes. First, a fantasy sequence.
[Begin dream sequence] When I find myself in these situations usually my first instinct is to slam on the brakes, cut the wheels fast and hard, and in a slow motion, rubber-squealing, spinning U-turn with sparks and smoke (and worthy of a John Woo movie- think Face Off and Mission Impossible II), I grab the wheel with my imaginary 3rd hand because I need the other two for the guns (they do it in the movies I can do it in my fantasies). I pull out two ridiculously huge automatic, military grade, 50-caliber weapons, usually reserved for tanks, but now about to be employed on this inconsiderate driver, and smile menacingly. At him. Because he is about to get what he deserves.
Before he realizes just who it is that he has unwittingly offended, I pull both triggers simultaneously, unloading a barrage of smoking lead welcome committee on his Chrysler. The sound of the round casings hitting the 75-mph pavement are like the chattering teeth of the grim reaper. The smoke coming from the barrels of my now red-hot, Iron Punishers is like incense to Rage. Every round that punches a nickel-size hole in his pathetic excuse for a machine is a lesson in manners. And as the firing pins run out of "messages" to deliver, the offending party now humbles himself and backs off of my more-manly SUV. A defeated foe. [End dream sequence].
I think this is normal alpha male behavior. Right?
So after my dream sequence is done (it happens in my mind in about 5 seconds) I do what I am sure all passive-aggressive Christ followers do who prefer not to "do time", I take my foot off the gas. And pray he doesn't hit my rear end. But then, glaring at me in the rear view mirror, is my sticker Conscience...my lil' Christian window sticker, NOTW, which shouts to the 4-lane world "CHRISTIAN ON BOARD, TAILGATE WITHOUT FEAR OF RETRIBUTION!", and I move out of the guys way. Not gladly. And as he passes me going about 90, he swerves over as to sideswipe me, (narrowly missing me because I have cat-like reflexes) and I noticed that he too has a lil' Christian bumper (not window) sticker.
I am immediately convicted because if I had not been reminded of all the eyes on me and my identity in Christ via the sticker, I could easily allow my angry reactions to take over just like him. Allow road rage to take over. And bring humiliation to the name of Jesus. "Just another Christian hypocrite", would be the thoughts of the other drivers. Just like they may have been thinking about that guy. He was talking, but not walking. And it's the walking that makes or breaks our reputation. Our testimony. Do that enough times, and though Christ will forgive you, the world will not.
There was a low period in my life where I was angry all the time. But seeing the ICTHUS fish on my car did not bring conviction and I eventually realized that I was continually offending Christ's reputation, because I was an overly aggressive driver. So, I took it off. That was a low point for me, but now looking back, I believe it was the right thing to do. Eventually, I made it through to the end of that tunnel, and now anger doesn't control my life (my kids do). I guess my point is that the world is watching us, and I believe they desperately want to believe in a God that forgives them, that loves them, who is merciful, benevolent, and kind. If all they see is His people react in sin every time they are offended it is like "another brick in the wall" to Christ and eternal life, to miscast a Pink Floyd song. Maybe just better to take the sticker off for a while.
Question: Anybody struggle with anger? How did you deal with it? Do you agree with this? All opinions welcome...
Question: Anybody struggle with anger? How did you deal with it? Do you agree with this? All opinions welcome...