Blue Ridge Mountains
Friday, April 29, 2011
Deep Thought
I like to think that if Jesus was behind a line of people in the left lane going 20 mph below the speed limit, as he passed by them, (or floated over them, or drove through them - he IS Jesus, right?) He would turn to them and say "You brood of vipers!!" Because that's what I do, and I like to think I'm not sinning. Is that OK, do ya think?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
So Who Put A Spiritual Beat Down on You?
My Christian life can be divided up into categories. I believe this is true for most people. Mine is pretty intuitive, college, post-college/pre-marriage, marriage/CHILDREN. Yours may not be so neat and tidy,but just because mine are doesn't mean there aren't some untidy sub-categories. Just saying. I put the children in caps because I'm yelling. Just kidding. No, because having children is a spiritual game-changer. Everything you do up to then really affects nobody. Not in the way what you do affects your children. For us havers-of-children nothing on earth is more important. Can I get an "Amen"? More on this in another blog.
So this morning I'm thinking of who did God put into my life in each of these categories that had that person not been there, things would not be the same. In college, it would be my good friend Wayne and my Campus Crusade discipler Leslie Gregory. Both put a college size beat down on my worldly man that kept making an appearance right after I switched sides (that's "became a believer" for all you who don't talk street.) They changed my life and I'm grateful God put them in my life.
Post college would be Tom Tracy. And my Bible teacher, Chuck Carter. Tom had the guts to tell me hard things. He made me mad for 3 days. 3 DAYS! And he was right. My ego needed to hear what he told me. I would not be the same today if he did not rebuke me then. May God put into every persons life at least once, a Tom Tracy. May I be a Tom Tracy to someone. Chuck was so gifted at teaching that people would fall over in the Spirit when he would read the "begats" in Leviticus. He transformed how I read and interpret the Bible.
Post-marriage I would have to say my wife. And it's only partially because it's in my wedding vows that I have to. I think most men's wives would make this list. Stacy complements me perfectly and like Tom is not afraid to tell me the things I hate to hear, but need to hear. And I adore her for it (at least after I'm finished being mad.)
So, who is your Leslie, your Tom, your Paul? And when, if ever, was the last time you siad "Thanks". I'm very interested in knowing who has God put in your life that made it richer, better, that changed it. Lastly, who's life are WE changing? 2 Peter 2:22.
So this morning I'm thinking of who did God put into my life in each of these categories that had that person not been there, things would not be the same. In college, it would be my good friend Wayne and my Campus Crusade discipler Leslie Gregory. Both put a college size beat down on my worldly man that kept making an appearance right after I switched sides (that's "became a believer" for all you who don't talk street.) They changed my life and I'm grateful God put them in my life.
Post college would be Tom Tracy. And my Bible teacher, Chuck Carter. Tom had the guts to tell me hard things. He made me mad for 3 days. 3 DAYS! And he was right. My ego needed to hear what he told me. I would not be the same today if he did not rebuke me then. May God put into every persons life at least once, a Tom Tracy. May I be a Tom Tracy to someone. Chuck was so gifted at teaching that people would fall over in the Spirit when he would read the "begats" in Leviticus. He transformed how I read and interpret the Bible.
Post-marriage I would have to say my wife. And it's only partially because it's in my wedding vows that I have to. I think most men's wives would make this list. Stacy complements me perfectly and like Tom is not afraid to tell me the things I hate to hear, but need to hear. And I adore her for it (at least after I'm finished being mad.)
So, who is your Leslie, your Tom, your Paul? And when, if ever, was the last time you siad "Thanks". I'm very interested in knowing who has God put in your life that made it richer, better, that changed it. Lastly, who's life are WE changing? 2 Peter 2:22.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Milestone Reached- SMASH T-Shirts Are Here
Hey folks,
Almost 5 years ago, I was reading/meditating on Mark 12:30. And I discovered something kind of bizarre, but kind of cool. I tooled around with this "something" for about a month, came up with all sorts of ideas, the excitement went to a fever pitch as I thought what kind of potential this could have...then I got the job I currently have and forgot all about this something. Fast forward to about 9 months ago, and I became re-energized about it, honed and re-honed my ideas, filled half a notebook with jibberish, doodles, and an ad-hoc business plan and model, sold a garage full of woodworking equipment, taught myself (poorly) how to use a graphic art program. As with any venture, I went through periods of real excitement. But I nearly bagged the whole idea at least a dozen times in despair doubting myself and this whole idea. But every time something amazing would happen, a divine appointment or answered prayer. Well, I made it this far and this January I got a business license and 2 days ago saw the first milestone achieved. Lord willing, not the last.
To give you the short version, the business name is SMASH, Co. SMASH is an acronym - (S)trength, (M)ind, (A)GAPE', (S)oul, (H)eart. If you look at the four words backwards (Heart-Soul-Mind-Strength) it's the four ways Christ admonished us to love God in Mark 12:30. (The A- is Agape'..the Greek word for unconditional love used in the verse.) So, if you look at the letters (backwards) you get - SMASH. Pretty cool, huh?
Well, I always seem to concoct these crazy ideas. It exasperates my wife so I usually just write them down and let them steep. Sometimes I tell a friend. The response I get mostly is -you guessed it - "Keith, you should put that on a T-Shirt!" So, I finally did.
Now, I have a vision. Not for hocking T-Shirts. But to love God. To SMASH God. He first loved us, right? Right?! And in our postmodern, "if-it-feels-good-do-it", anything goes culture I want to stand out, stand up, and stand FOR something. For Someone. So I am the first one to wear this shirt and (besides my wife and kids - they HAVE to wear one) if I am the only one than so be it. But I bet I won't be. The current company motto is "Inspiring people in a way that is culturally relevant, fun, and insanely loving." Below I've attached some pictures of the shirts. My apologies for the amateur photography, I'm new at this. And I don't have the $$ for a real website- YET, but if you'd like one just respond or email or FB. We'll work it out. And if you know anybody who would be excited about this (even if they don't want a shirt) please forward this to them, FB them, etc. I'd appreciate it.
Now for the business part. I wanted a shirt that I would like (and I'm picky) so they're Port Authority Pigment Dyed. Very soft, similar to the "Life is Good" shirts. They come in three colors (noted below), and three sizes (Medium, Large, and X-Large) I'm asking $20.00 plus 5% VA sales tax and shipping and handling (unless you're local). Everything I make will just be for buying more inventory and hopefully exploring some other "ideas." That's it. Thanks.
~ Keith
Steel Blue
Light Sand
Friday, April 22, 2011
Standing In the Gap for 5 Billion People
When I was in college, my roommate (and good friend to this day) Wayne challenged me to pray about and consider going to the mission field. Well, in hindsight I was probably a little misguided (but then who of us aren't..the beauty of grace allows us to be...right?), but that sounded really cool and full of danger and adventure so, naturally I prayed and felt that God wanted me to take the challenge. I even signed something called "The Caleb Declaration", signing in ink my willingness to go to whatever nether parts God willed me to go to do whatever he wanted me to do to somehow bring unsaved people to Jesus. To fulfill the Great Commission.
To fulfill the Great Commission
This, I see now, was a watershed moment in my life. I eventually would take this seriously, (as I think all Christians should) and with this new sense of purpose in my life began to actually pray and allow God to have my life, even if it meant taking me away - far away - from my family, friends, familiar food, (I'm really NOT going for alliteration language, culture. I began to see that the reality of missions separates us from everything that we know and is a little frightening and not to be taken lightly. But I was determined. The possibility that God may want this for my life by now (my junior year) led me to start taking action. I felt that God wanted me to go to China. So I took Mandarin Chinese language classes, I started reading about the culture, even befriending Chinese students, offering to help them with their English in return for help with my Chinese. I learned that the Chinese language is not as hard to learn as I thought it would be (it's actually quite beautiful- more like art), that the Chinese are an extremely generous people (I have had more than one authentic Chinese dinner...phenomenal), and that I was indeed falling in love with the idea of being a missionary to China. Of going to China to tell them about Jesus. I had already determined in my brain that I would be the next Hudson Taylor. If you don't know who he is and have not been feeling inspired lately, you will be if you read Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret.
Well, I never went to China. In fact I've never been out of the country, except to adopt my boys. The disappointment of not seeing that dream fulfilled lasted for years. Then God taught me a powerful lesson. My heart was for China. His heart is for the Chinese people. There is a difference. So, as I painfully realized that I was not going to be a missionary, I knew that I could still make a difference in the lives of the Chinese because as the saying goes, "When we work, we work. But when we pray, God works."
When we work, we work. But when we pray, God works.
So, I started to pray. But for what? and for who? Besides the news I had precious little information to help me pray strategically (there was no internet in 1994). And then I remembered that in college someone had given me a copy of a book called Operation World. The latest edition just came out last Fall. It is, in my opinion (humble or not), a book, that should be used daily by every believer. If you're not familiar with it go to their website. Operation World. It is quite honestly, one of the most amazing books, ever written. And written multiple times. It will help you learn more about the cultures, politics, and most importantly, spiritual state, of every nation, almost every ethne' (ethnic group) the WORLD! and then guide you strategically in how to pray for them. Truly awesome. I have never known my Bible to not have a copy of OW sitting somewhere close by. Revelation tells us that people from every tribe, tongue, people, and language, will be worshiping Him. If you love the Scriptures and desire to love people the way God does, than I urge you to pray for the lost people of our hurting planet. And get a copy of Operation World. Also, as my friend challenged me 23 years ago, I am challenging you. Not to do anything, not to go anywhere. Just to pray and give God your life. Then, hold on.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
How One 3-Letter Word (ALL) Could Change Your Life
A former Bible teacher of mine, Chuck Carter, used to say, when trying to understand Scripture don't just read it backwards, to get a different perspective on time. Also, read it with a view of what he called "Umbrella Theology"...that is, interpret it based on other Scripture on the subject to get a more thorough understanding and gain a more complete picture of what the writers were trying to convey. He would also say to read what is said...then read what is NOT said. That's the one I most enjoy.
I have just invested almost $1,000.00 of my hard earned bacon on my passion for that last concept. You see, in Mark 12:30 (NIV) Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." I have just started a business/ministry to promote this idea. More on that later.
So for a year or so I have been focusing on what I think most of us focus on in that verse...namely "love". Or in the Greek - Agape' - unconditional love. But what Chuck's unique twist showed me was that the word "ALL" is perhaps the key word. It is the most used word in the verse. He doesn't say "Love him with "some" or "most" or "all the love that you can muster"'s simply "All". An interesting word. This is a rallying cry for all of us who are tired of half-hearted loving. Half-hearted living. God expects more. So should we. It is what we were created for - to love God with all that is in us. David loved God in such a way. So much so that he danced for God (in his underwear) before the entire nation of Israel. That my friends is an "all"-type love. I believe this is a much needed rallying cry for our generation. I hope that you agree.
I am reading the book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. It is the younger (teen) generations rallying cry to rise above the low expectations that our society has for its young people. It started with a blog, but struck a nerve with thousands of believing teens, and has become a monumental movement to live in Christ's potential not the worlds. These young people call themselves "Rebelutionaries". Their enthusiasm is inspiring and contagious.
Getting to the thing I mentioned earlier. I come with these ideas and people keep telling me "You should put that on a T-Shirt". So, I finally did. I pick them up tomorrow. It is (hopefully) a unique and compelling way to promote that thing that we were created to do - Love God with of the shirts will be posted in the next day or two.
Now I don’t want this to be artificial or contrived, but a genuine personal challenge, a life quest even. In retrospect, the reason I started this blog was to “flesh out” those thoughts and ideas and movings that were churning in my heart at the beginning of the year. So in the spirit of Do Hard Things, I, Keith Murrill, am 42…and I am a rebelutionary. Is there anyone out there who wants to join me?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Fox Mulder and A.W. Tozer...Kindred Spirits??
One of the most influential books in my Christian life was The Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer. In it, Tozer challenged me to quit faking desire for God (my words not his). "When you are full", I was admonished, "rejoice"; but when empty...admit it, fall to my knees and beg God for a spark...for a drip...for the desire to desire Him. My favorite quote in his book is this:
"O God I have tasted Thy goodness,and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more...I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee, I long to be filled with longing, I thirst to be thirsty..."
It's not hard to see how this book can change the life of any sincere believer. It changed mine. I never approached God the same way after reading it. The thing I like most about this sentiment of desiring to desire God is it's abject humility and admission of failure. I have been in the place before (as I suspect all who read this have) where I allowed my heart to harden and grew cold toward God and the things of God. It's a lonely place. But in His endless mercy He brought me to that place where I recognized the hardness and knew that I had no desire for God. That recognition for me...that I did NOT desire Him, but WANTED to desire him... was paramount in it led me to pray the above prayer. Praise Him. Even the father of the demon-possessed boy in Mark 9:24 confessed his unbelief even after admitting he believed and saw his son healed. Jesus knew his heart, and He knows ours.
Now, I was not a The X-Files enthusiast; (in case you don't know or forgot, The X-Files was the sci-fi thriller that was so popular in the 90's) however, I did manage to catch a few episodes and was always drawn to the poster on Fox Mulder's wall above his desk in that dark FBI basement that was his office. It read, "I WANT TO BELIEVE". This is the secular version of Tozer's sentiment, I think.
Now I know the show was fiction, but that poster broke my heart every time I saw it. Because even though I know the character was fictional, there are thousands (millions?) of people who are NOT fictional, who share that same open-ended longing for truth. There is the desire, without any care of the object of that desire. You could place aliens or a ham sandwich as the object of desire just as easily as God. But for our "whatever" post-modern's a start. I wonder if God looks down on people who desire to believe in something larger than themselves, who, while not there yet, have begun the journey of pursuing, and is pleased. I don't know the answer to that. I just wonder if maybe Tozer would have seen the desire to believe by the sincere unbeliever (Mulder) and have saw the slight beginning of a spark, a drip,...a desire to desire God. I think it's important in our society, that we recognize the Mulders in our circles of influence and "always be prepared to give an answer...for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15 (partial).
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