Hey folks,
Almost 5 years ago, I was reading/meditating on Mark 12:30. And I discovered something kind of bizarre, but kind of cool. I tooled around with this "something" for about a month, came up with all sorts of ideas, the excitement went to a fever pitch as I thought what kind of potential this could have...then I got the job I currently have and forgot all about this something. Fast forward to about 9 months ago, and I became re-energized about it, honed and re-honed my ideas, filled half a notebook with jibberish, doodles, and an ad-hoc business plan and model, sold a garage full of woodworking equipment, taught myself (poorly) how to use a graphic art program. As with any venture, I went through periods of real excitement. But I nearly bagged the whole idea at least a dozen times in despair doubting myself and this whole idea. But every time something amazing would happen, a divine appointment or answered prayer. Well, I made it this far and this January I got a business license and 2 days ago saw the first milestone achieved. Lord willing, not the last.
To give you the short version, the business name is SMASH, Co. SMASH is an acronym - (S)trength, (M)ind, (A)GAPE', (S)oul, (H)eart. If you look at the four words backwards (Heart-Soul-Mind-Strength) it's the four ways Christ admonished us to love God in Mark 12:30. (The A- is Agape'..the Greek word for unconditional love used in the verse.) So, if you look at the letters (backwards) you get - SMASH. Pretty cool, huh?
Well, I always seem to concoct these crazy ideas. It exasperates my wife so I usually just write them down and let them steep. Sometimes I tell a friend. The response I get mostly is -you guessed it - "Keith, you should put that on a T-Shirt!" So, I finally did.
Now, I have a vision. Not for hocking T-Shirts. But to love God. To SMASH God. He first loved us, right? Right?! And in our postmodern, "if-it-feels-good-do-it", anything goes culture I want to stand out, stand up, and stand FOR something. For Someone. So I am the first one to wear this shirt and (besides my wife and kids - they HAVE to wear one) if I am the only one than so be it. But I bet I won't be. The current company motto is "Inspiring people in a way that is culturally relevant, fun, and insanely loving." Below I've attached some pictures of the shirts. My apologies for the amateur photography, I'm new at this. And I don't have the $$ for a real website- YET, but if you'd like one just respond or email or FB. We'll work it out. And if you know anybody who would be excited about this (even if they don't want a shirt) please forward this to them, FB them, etc. I'd appreciate it.
Now for the business part. I wanted a shirt that I would like (and I'm picky) so they're Port Authority Pigment Dyed. Very soft, similar to the "Life is Good" shirts. They come in three colors (noted below), and three sizes (Medium, Large, and X-Large) I'm asking $20.00 plus 5% VA sales tax and shipping and handling (unless you're local). Everything I make will just be for buying more inventory and hopefully exploring some other "ideas." That's it. Thanks.
~ Keith
Steel Blue
Light Sand
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