Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Missional View of Work

Because the Bible says we are to spurn one another to good deeds (or something like that) consider yourself spurned. 

I'm ashamed that it has taken me 5 years to finally get around to doing this, but I finally did it.  I created a prayer map of my office.  Not too difficult since I only work with 80+ people. Simply put, I was convicted that I preach and say that I believe in the power of prayer in Jesus' name, yet here I was placed in the middle of a group of people who don't know Christ (the strict definition of a missionary) and I did not have a plan to pray for them on a regular basis.  Thank God for His mercy.  So, anyway since I work in a small office it was not too hard to draw up a map of where everybody sits (I did it in pencil since it seems people move around alot in my office.  Not sure why.)  Then, as you can see, I merely divided it up into 6 days to make praying for my colleagues manageable.  Here it is:

Now, I realize that in our age of digital prowess, with a hoard of of free online tools available to us, this hand drawn "map" is pretty rudimentary, read: caveman-like.  I'm sure there are many out there who could do better.  I think that's awesome.  So I challenge you: Do It. 

But the sticking point is that God did not send His Son to die on the cross so that we can live unburdened for those around us who don't know Christ. So wherever we are, God has placed us there strategically.  To stand in the gap for them, appeal to Christ on their behalf (yes...even your moron boss who you can hardly stand the sight of some days...he/she needs prayer too.  GROAN!)  There are three things that God has convicted me to do, that are EASY...and effective.  Here they are.  If you want your life to count for eternity, I highly recommend them.

1) Pray for your co-workers (Use my map...well not MY map, make your own.  I would love to see what others out there do.  Please forward me your creations)

2) Pray for yourself.  Don't forget that our fight is NOT against flesh and blood.  The guy that constantly rides you at work - He is not your enemy.  But we do have an enemy. Pray that God will put a shield of protection around you.  I know for me, work is stressful and I constantly am tempted to get angry, to get into arguments.  In other words, Satan will try to chip away at our testimony and integrity.  Pray against Him (look at Luke 10:19)

3) Pray for opportunities.  I have gotten into that habit of praying as I walk from my car into the office.  I merely acknowledge that this is God's work, not mine.  So I just ask for Him to bring opportunities to glorify Him, whatever that means.  Sometimes we think that being effective means sharing the Gospel with a tract and a Bible.  There IS a place for that.  But more often than not, I've learned that just being aware of my surroundings and looking for those opportunities that God provides is enough.  These days just to have someone deliberately recognize their accomplishment is huge. So do that. Or volunteer for the project nobody else wants.  Or DON'T complain when everyone else does.  You get the idea. 

Lastly, if you are encouraged by this let me know.  And forward it to a friend.  

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