Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Ice Cream Truck Is Voodoo

In our world where so much has become plastic and predictable, where the amazing leaps in technology make our lives easy, filled with entertainment, and, well, not very much like the world most of us knew when we were kids, it gives me pause. To reflect.  The (once yearly now monthly) advances in our world are a blessing no doubt...but as I revel in this computerized, Fantasia-like debauchery in all this "new" stuff, I find myself missing the "old" stuff just a little.  Simplicity had it's advantages.

So imagine my delight when, the other day, I heard the faint sound of the ice cream truck.  That jing-a-ling, nursery rhyme musical loop that is welcomed by every kid who is forced to play outside in the wet heat by weary moms or babysitters all across the country.  This, I thought, is one piece of my childhood that Bill Gates, Google, or even Obama has not yet changed.  So, I listened and remembered.  Until a terrible thought crossed my mind.  My mind does this to me all the time. Stupid mind.

What do we really know about the ice cream truck or the goodly 'ol driver in the ice cream truck?  I have some questions that need, Where does the ice cream truck come from?  Have you ever been on the highway and passed an ice cream truck?  Have you ever stopped at a stoplight and looked out your window and noticed you were idling beside an ice cream truck? No and no!  The ice cream truck just magically appears in a neighborhood filled with little kids.  Another word for magic is voodoo! Got your attention now, don't I?

And how do they know there are kids in these neighborhoods?  And how can we be sure that they don't have an evil ulterior motive (we've all watched in horror the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, right?)...just saying.

Do these kindly, well-intentioned drivers have background checks?  I mean who in their right mind would want to listen to "Pop Goes The Weasel"  A felon parolee who has no other job options, that's who! Or perhaps the CHILD CATCHER!!!  AUGHHHHH!

Well there goes another piece of childhood nostalgia, ruined by a paranoid, overactive mind and a children's movie.

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