Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why Did Jesus Not Invent A/C?

I sometimes get into fits of insanity.  Like when people drive 55 in the left lane, Have 50 items in the 20 item or less checkout line at the grocery store, or when I sit next the "loudtalker" on the airplane at midnight, and they still insist on talking...loudly.

Other times are when the temperature shoots over 100 °F (or 156 °F if you count the heat index, which really is the temperature our liberal friends want to tell us so to foist the global warming myth on us...but I digress).

It's during these times that I am not responsible for the thoughts that go through my head and out the big fat hole in it, ergo, my mouth.  So I'm cutting grass on the hottest day of the year, about to risk dehydration just so I can have a nice(ish) lawn when this thought occurs: 

How impressive it was that Jesus, God in flesh, Creator of everything,  
Alpha and Omega, Son of God, lived in Israel....HOT Israel...and did NOT invent air conditioning.  

He could have.  I think.  

And as long as I'm on this slippery blasphemous slope there are a lot of things he could've invented had He not been so unselfish as I would have not have been in his sandals. Ice Cream comes to mind.  Coffee, running water, Tylenol.  Q-Tips!!!  Well, considering there are places that don't have most of these things I'll shut up now and be thankful.  But I still wonder. Anyway, like I said.  I take no responsibility for this rant.  Now, I have to leave the A/C and go out and finish cutting grass.    

1 comment:

  1. I believe in the presence of Somebody up there who knows every single thing that is happening here..with us and around us...and I am sure...He knows why he didnt invent A/C and why he made somebody else do it...

    Praise the Lord...


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