Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How Annoying Things Remind Me of God (Sorry, Lord )

Note regarding my last post.  Due to the apparent disinterest in Demotivational posters based on the fact that only 10% of you cared to read, I promise to never do that again unless at least 10 people beg me to...and I still might say "No."  I'll just post them on the timeout wall to torture my kids. 

If you could look in the back of my '99 Nissan SUV (pushing 200,000 miles thank you very much) you would see an assortment of items ranging from a battered box of tissues, a child's car seat with no less than 6 months of cookie crumbs in the crease, gum wrappers (those that haven't been sucked out the window- I do feel bad for that), my Ipod (which is not the real Apple product, but a suitable knockoff) because I'd rather listen to it, then have to endure my CD's skipping to the beat of the potholes on Rt 288, sunglasses, of course, and a pile of receipts that I really don't know why I haven't thrown away.  And that's just the backseat.

In the very back is the good stuff.  Tools, chairs, (trash...but not much), a football, a box of shirts, a Frisbee, and baseball equipment.  And this leads us to the subject of my gripe. Bats. Not the little flying ones, the long ones made out of metal that hate me.  That roll around incessantly while I'm in stop-and-go traffic all the way home.  The ones that roll back and forth and back and forth and BACK AND FORTH, like a  clanking, crashing, wave, of screaming metal trying to!  Until I finally get home and throw them in the trash can.  Then take them out because my kids are crying (OK...I just made up that part, they're still [secured nicely] in the back of my SUV.)

OK, so how does this remind me of God?  How can this make me a better Christian? Because all the way home with every bang of the bat against my wheel well, for some odd reason, instead of getting angry, it made me think of how God, like those bats, is trying to get my attention, over and over, using any method at his disposal (and let's face it - He's Almighty God - He has a lot of methods), saying look at me, pay attention to me, I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!!!!  Until I finally get it. And realize that I was made to love Him back.  For some of us it takes God's clanking bats throughout our life to keep us from forgetting Him.  His insane, perfect, crazy, Jesus-died-on-the-cross-for-me, love. The love that would go to bat for you (sorry I know that was lame), that promised to never leave you, or abandon you, or betray you, or gossip about you, or call you stupid, or lie to you...I just hope God doesn't have to hit me with that bat.  That would really hurt. 


  1. Maybe not a bat, but when I was no where near saved... I think he might have allowed me to be hit few times with a 2X4 before I cried out for mercy. Thanks... Big Poppa Almighty.

  2. Yeah, I still have to cry mercy often. Thanks for sharing.


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