Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Making the Main Thing the Main Thing (again)

A few years ago a missionary family I knew was back in the states on furlough from Pakistan.  As part of his time off the field, he (Rob) stated he wanted to get back to the basics of his faith.  His exact words were "Make the main thing the main thing".  What he meant was that in Pakistan he had gotten so busy with ministry for Jesus, telling people about Jesus, trying to be like Jesus, etc. that he forgot about - his own relationship with Jesus - the main thing. The way he did this was threefold:

1) Get quiet before God - Get up early (yes, while it's still dark) and meditate on Scriptures that talk of God's attributes (Psalms are a good start)...then be quiet and let God speak.  This is a good way to remind yourself of who He is and allow Him to work on your heart.

2) Obedience - When we go a long period of time outside of that intimate fellowship with Christ, which is cultivated by #1, the line between right and wrong becomes fuzzier and short, we begin to compromise, fall into bad habits, and eventually find ourself on the slippery slope into outright intentional, sinful patterns.  Fortunately, God is full of grace, and when we confess our sin He forgives us by the shed blood of Christ on the cross.  See 1 John 1:8,9.  Now we are purified.  We are free...yield these areas to God. Ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit (you cannot resist in your own power-see Luke 10:19).  Recommit yourself to obedience, not for obedience sake to earn his love. He loves us regardless and our obedience is filthy rags. Do it BECAUSE He loves us.

3) Re-focus on the Word. The Bible is God-breathed, it is the power of God.  Memorize it, study it, listen to it in your car, write key verses and keep them with you (3 X 5 index cards work great).  Pray the Word - claim His promises, thank Him for His accomplishments, begin to live with the authority that is rightfully yours as a child of God.

Now, I realize there are many more things that are useful in getting back to basics, but this is what is working for me... if you have any good ideas please send them.  I would love to dialogue with like-minded people.  As for me I am focusing on these things.  

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